Pool Tile Cleaning, Restoration and Repair


    Our estimates are free, professional and fair. Most estimates require a site visit.

    Pool Tile Cleaning, Restoration and Repair


      Our estimates are free, professional and fair. Most estimates require a site visit.
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      Do you have a pool that needs cleaning?


      Sparkling clean tiles make your pool come alive, while scaly damaged tiles can make even the most expensive of pools look cheap!

      Expert Pool Tile Repair Services - Pool Rehab, CA & AZ
      Tile Repair

      Pool Rehab can locate the same tiles for you, and if that’s not possible, we can always find a way to use tiles in a way that either complements or blends well with the existing tiles.

      rock painting

      Synthetic rockwork is very common in backyard pools, but the paint, which is used to replicate natural color of rocks, tends to fade away with time.

      Pool Rehab's Acid Wash Service - Professional pool maintenance with muriatic acid wash
      Mastic Replacement

      While these sealants are pretty resilient, they tend to lose their strength over the years.

      Acid Washes

      Acid washing your pool every few years is an excellent way to keep stains off the pool tiles.

      Get A Quote



        Our estimates are free, professional and fair. Most estimates require a site visit.
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        Featured Gallery

        Pool Rehab specializes in restoring your swimming pool back to its old glory!

        Tile Cleaning

        Pool Rehab - Pool Tile Cleaning & Repair Services - California & Arizona
        Professional Acid Wash Service by Pool Rehab, CA
        Deck-O-Seal Application by Pool Rehab - Professional care for pool decks in Riverside, CA
        Artistic Rock Painting by Pool Rehab - Transforming synthetic rock features into vibrant

        Rock Painting


        Acid Wash

        Pool Rehab California

        Pool Rehab Arizona